Author: Lara

  • New Workshop! Getting Started with Sass

    Sass is “CSS with Superpowers” and infinitely awesome. But maybe you don’t feel like spending an entire weekend pounding your head against your laptop, figuring out how to get set up. Come to this evening workshop and we’ll walk through it all, step by step. You’ll have Sass up and running in your projects by…

  • Coding and Me

    All too often, someone new to the tech world sees coding as some kind of magic language we coders are born with. When you see a programmer slapping away at the keyboard, it’s no wonder! But it’s not magic. Really. Coding is not like this This morning I read a great article, What “coder” means…

  • Exclude .sass-cache files from Sublime Search [Snippet]

    How to hide .sass-cache from your Sublime so that it doesn’t show up in search.

  • “Just” is a dangerous word.

    “Just update your ruby gems, generate a new SSH key, and run a git rebase…” … I don’t envy those just entering the field of web development. In addition to learning the fundamentals, there’s an expectation to be proficient in an increasingly exhausting laundry list of buzzwords and technologies. So think twice before suggesting someone…

  • New workshop! Responsive CSS layouts

    CSS layouts are tough…I don’t care who you are! Floats and clearfixing are just hard concepts to grasp, and building layouts in CSS the proper way is no small feat. Come to this evening workshop and learn to create your own responsive layouts. Where and when, you ask? August 21, 7-9pm at New Work City…

  • Left my phone in a cab…

    Let’s appreciate how great Find My iPhone and NYC cabbies are – phone returned within a day or so. And this was a successful reddit post! Fun stuff.

  • I’m talking at WordCamps

    That’s right, WordCamps…plural! I will be presenting at both the New York City and Montreal WordCamps in August. And what will I be talking about? Read on, my friend. Freelancing: Real Talk (NYC, August 2-3) Description: How much do you charge? How do you price? How long does it take you to make a custom…

  • Negronis and Side Projects

    One thing that may not be evident from my web presence is that I’m into cocktails. I had the best Negroni of my life at Gin Palace the other night, and when I needed an idea for a project, naturally that Negroni came to mind.

  • I made a Codepen

    See the Pen prIFw by Lara Schenck (@laras126) on CodePen. A realign is officially underway (didn’t I just do one?). Don’t expect anything too soon, but the above is a little preview. Plus I’ve been listening to Codepen Radio lately and, well, time to make a pen! In addition to typography and gridding, I’ve…

  • New Workshop! Portfolio Site in a Day-ish

    Calling all website-less visual artists! You’ve been putting your website off for a while now, right? Come to this two session workshop and leave with a fully functioning portfolio site. We will create websites using WordPress and the theme WPFolio. The workshop will be limited to 4 people to ensure everyone gets the most out…

  • How I do Inbox 0 in Gmail

    I kind of roll my eyes at productivity posts, and yes, this is another productivity post. But, I’m really good at Inbox 0 and have been complimented a few times on my Gmail set up, so…ti

  • There is no fold.

    …the amount of time in view steadily rises as we move downpage to a peak between about 1200 pixels down. This portion of the page is viewed for nearly three times as long as the top of the page. Amen to that – awesome reference point for clients stuck in the ’00s. Via this tweet.

  • Look how cute!

    I’m about to launch a WordPress workshop…stay tuned! In line with the fishing metaphor, this would be you after you take it.

  • Freelancer is a dirty word.

    First of all, I am very proud to be a freelancer, and certainly identify as one. But…I hesitate. I kind of loathe the term. I feel like the word itself implies someone taking whatever work they can get, aimless and uncommitted, or in-between jobs with no other option to make ends meet. Of course this may…

  • Podcasts are Amazing + Recommendations

    Before getting into a few, relatively web design-centric favorites, let’s compare podcasts to the written word. By “written word” I mean articles, blogs, and the like. What you sift through on Feedly or links found on Twitter, anything you’d save to Pocket. So yeah, this post qualifies. Oh the irony!