Computing researcher, maker of monsters
Middle-skill computing work is an emerging theme in my research to describe the kinds of work and jobs in computing that are not always considered “computing jobs”. Doing this work doesn’t require theoretical CS knowledge, and the jobs tend to be in $40-100k USD salary range. I think “middle-skill computing work” has significant promise for…
This post outlines my lightning talk and poster for the 2023 International Computing Education Research conference. It’s a nice update regarding where my research is headed and what I’m working on lately.
In my research into broadening pathways to computing careers, I’ve been exploring how “cultural gatekeeping in computing” perpetuates stereotypes about computing, making non-traditional pathways harder to follow.
A working title…Broadening Participation in Computing Through Broadening Computing: Adults Learning Computer Science Through Computational Work
3 projects I am working on now, 1 thing that might be a failure
1 thing that has been hard, 1 insight/connection to my past, 3 things I been using for pro-active time tracking
1 major thing I learned, 1 insight/early idea
An initial review and cursory categorization of workplace learning literature.
I learned about daemons in a mindfulness course, and recognized the term from computing. This led me to learn about the matriarch of system administration, Evi Nemeth.
I learned about the concept of desugaring from a lecture on programming languages, and I wonder how that would apply to design systems.
(Warning: thought-leadery post) Problems with CSS are not a result of flaws in CSS. The problem is how we write CSS.
A quick post about realizing an intersection between my existing knowledge and something new I am learning. Well, maybe they are both new things.
I had a lot of impassioned thoughts while on a run today and decided to bang out this Twitter-thread-blog-post instead of letting them die a slow, silent death, alone in my brain, as they often do.