Computing researcher, maker of monsters
Of all the talks I’ve given, the “The Five-Figure WordPress Website” is my favorite. It’s a thorough look at the process I use to make WordPress websites in my freelance practice, and I’m really happy to share the process it’s taken me many years to fine tune. With that in mind, here are a bunch…
I’m usually not one for non-fiction, but the times have changed. I’m currently reading Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces that Shape Our Decisions by a cool dude named Dan Ariely. In short, we humans are constantly influenced by “hidden forces” that cause us to make decisions that don’t always make logical sense. Can’t say I’m…
First of all, I am very proud to be a freelancer, and certainly identify as one. But…I hesitate. I kind of loathe the term. I feel like the word itself implies someone taking whatever work they can get, aimless and uncommitted, or in-between jobs with no other option to make ends meet. Of course this may…
Last week I gave a talk about my experience as a freelancer at the Per Scholas Lunch & Learn, hosted by the New York Tech Council. Per Scholas is a non-profit that provides IT training and job placement for people in low-income communities.
I’ve been freelancing full time for about 6 months now and finally feel that I’ve streamlined my process. I’d like to share a few things that made a huge difference for me: Find a co-working space. I rent a desk at CatapultPGH, and have no idea what I would do without it. The community is…