Lover of programming, maker of monsters
For Larva, we are using semantic versioning with some modified definitions.
A high level overview of recursion with an analogy that will be familiar to front-end UI programmers.
How to log a Gutenberg block’s attributes to the console for helpful debugging and an introduction to WordPress data stores.
This is a very serious question.
The One True Way to write code.
It’s been almost two years since the first time I gave my talk on CSS algorithms. What is a CSS algorithm? Great question.
The last installment of the Designgineering Chronicles. The work itself is far from over, but I am very over writing these posts.
(Warning: thought-leadery post) Problems with CSS are not a result of flaws in CSS. The problem is how we write CSS.
A quick share of what I consider a significant win for Larva, the design system I started at PMC that is now a very official thing at the company.
This conference talk is a great introduction to the S.O.L.I.D. software design principles. How do these principles manifest when it comes to UI programming with HTML/CSS?
A bit of documentation I wrote for a Sass mixin that outputs utility classes based on a map of values.
There is a borderline overwhelming amount of documentation to be written, but gotta start somewhere! Here’s a kinda random first addition to Larva’s Naming Guidelines wiki page.
Here’s a quick write up about a CSS algorithm we just created at PMC! It seems like it will be useful in future projects, and we now have a programmatic term to use to refer to this kind of UI design pattern.
A very cool, test-oriented workflow has emerged with the introduction of Backstop JS into our design system tooling. I recorded some sloppy screencasts to show it off! Watch me struggle and make mistakes and also accomplish things.
I spent a while debugging a font-face issue. Can you spot the problem?