Lover of programming, maker of monsters
Blog posts “from the past”? Yes, this month I will publish posts written months and years ago.
An active month of updates – many content shares, Florida, and half-baked thoughts.
An attempt at a concise, relatively plain-language explanation of the concept of a snapshot test, including an “in the wild” example.
A bulleted list of 2021 highlights and lowlights, but mostly highlights, and a few photos, mostly of plants and food, and some music. 2021 was a year of change and offline activities!
Final chili harvest, PhD applications…complete!, learning Nepali, sort-of learning data science, and racial justice-related links.
This family monster is a classic. Especially in these cold temperatures, the apparent warmth and comfort of the baby monsters is enviable.
What is Rust and what does it have to do with the future of the web? I’ve noticed some buzz about Rust lately and wanted to write this explainer post to share my distillation of the topic.
Peppers, Mexico City, applications, “my interests”, Rise Up conference, miscellaneous other updates and links!
It’s only going to be 95F today.
Cauliflower, category theory, FizzBuzz in CSS, and more!
A snippet that I need to remember.
A snippet to drop in the console that will trigger a notice in the WordPress editor (i.e. Gutenberg).
Monsters representing breadth first search, depth first search, and a stack data structure.
In this CSS implementation of FizzBuzz, we can generate beautiful patterns with math!