Lover of programming, maker of monsters
This monster is a Saturday monster and it’s supports resemble those of Little Island.
1 thing that has been hard, 1 insight/connection to my past, 3 things I been using for pro-active time tracking
1 major thing I learned, 1 insight/early idea
We moved to Atlanta! Also, updates on productivity systems, starting on research, Canada, and meditation.
2 research papers I enjoyed reading in the past month, 5 titles in my post drafts that contain quotations, 1 thing I am looking forward to
An outline of a new writing habit.
My mother in law’s recipe for aloo sadeko, a flavorful and spicy Nepali potato salad! Excellent for all occasions and easy to make.
An initial review and cursory categorization of workplace learning literature. will be getting a gradual reworking over the next few months because I’ve got big plans for it.
Cultish personal knowledge management, gardening and not gardening, narrow design system hindsight, and more.
I am officially starting a PhD program this fall!!! Reading and writing Nepali, spring is sort of here, reading and listening to Brené Brown
The blog post I wish I’d found about writing and running shell scripts.
I learned about daemons in a mindfulness course, and recognized the term from computing. This led me to learn about the matriarch of system administration, Evi Nemeth.