Lover of programming, maker of monsters
This weekend I went to an exhibition of Laura Owens’ work, a contemporary painter, at the LA Museum of Contemporary Art. Highly recommended.
The WordPress admin bar mixed with a fixed menu can be an annoyance. Here’s an imperfect CSS algorithm that uses a couple of custom properties to help with that!
The methods for white-boarding algorithm questions serve us quite well when writing CSS algorithms. This post is a written portion of the second half of version 1 of the Algorithms of CSS.
I do not have the time or energy to write a full blog post, so instead I will share some interesting documentation about writing one-off patterns in our in-progress design system under a hash-tag I just came up with called #ShareYourDocs.
Look at this nice monster with flowers coming out of its nose. A+ boogers.
Clarity Conference was back at the beginning of December last year, but better late than never, right? I took handwritten notes on my iPad and have (finally) transcribed them for your scanning pleasure.
This post contains an extremely ambitious list of all the things I want to do this year. Will I get to all of it? Any of it? Time will tell, but I hope some of it, at least!
First of all, it’s not my birthday. That said, I had a cool idea for a birthday tradition that I want to record lest I forget it!
Wowww…so much cool stuff has happened in the past month! This installment of Designgineering Chronicles is full of milestones and an outline of a some real deal system architecture for a project underway, code-named Cantaloupe.
Well, hello there, weekend!
I drew this monster while having dinner at a nice bar in Dayton, OH called “Lucky’s”. The burgers didn’t look like this…err on second thought, I didn’t order one so I don’t know!
2018 was an A+ year for me. Here’s a bona fide “Year in Review” post that I will continue to update in the coming weeks!
This monster is ready to welcome in 2019 with wide eyes and a hopeful smile. Is that how you feel about the new year, too?
Part of 2018 was the passing of a pup from my childhood, FeeBee, and the introduction of a new pup named Dennis. May “The Feebs” Rest In Peace, and welcome to the family, Dennis!
This monster looks like it just woke up from a nap. That curly nose is reminiscent of an elephant seal’s, for sure.