Family dogs

Part of 2018 was the passing of a pup from my childhood, FeeBee, and the introduction of a new pup named Dennis. May “The Feebs” Rest In Peace, and welcome to the family, Dennis!

I haven’t made time to write a “2018 in Review” type post quite yet, but part of 2018 was the passing of a pup from my childhood, FeeBee, and the introduction of a new pup named Dennis. May “The Feebs” Rest In Peace, and welcome to the family, Dennis!

RIP Feebs
Welcome, Dennis!

I’ve been back on the east coast for about a month and a half (mainly Pittsburgh and on the farm where I grew up, plus conferences in Nashville and NYC). While I am paying rent on an empty apartment in LA which doesn’t feel great, it’s hard to be too concerned about it as I enjoy this blissful time with family.

Back to dogs. Dennis, and Feebs before him, run around loose on a 125 acre farm — can you imagine a better life for a dog? While Feebs spent much of her time sunbathing and hunting ground hogs, Dennis seems to prefer finding large sticks or cardboard boxes to destroy:

Dennis destroying a cardboard box on the farm.

This will likely be a habit he grows out of, but for now, we need to be very careful of what is left in his reach.

On a separate note, I’m writing this blog post on my phone in the car on the way to D.C. to visit my college friend for New Years. It’s been a delightful experience to write this in Gutenberg, the new WordPress editor! This type of content (i.e. personal content) is potentially more Instagram or Facebook territory, but I don’t enjoy posting on either of them. In 2019, I’m hoping to make a central place for all of my content, web-related and otherwise.