Computing researcher, maker of monsters
Sass is “CSS with Superpowers” and infinitely awesome. But maybe you don’t feel like spending an entire weekend pounding your head against your laptop, figuring out how to get set up. Come to this evening workshop and we’ll walk through it all, step by step. You’ll have Sass up and running in your projects by…
CSS layouts are tough…I don’t care who you are! Floats and clearfixing are just hard concepts to grasp, and building layouts in CSS the proper way is no small feat. Come to this evening workshop and learn to create your own responsive layouts. Where and when, you ask? August 21, 7-9pm at New Work City…
Calling all website-less visual artists! You’ve been putting your website off for a while now, right? Come to this two session workshop and leave with a fully functioning portfolio site. We will create websites using WordPress and the theme WPFolio. The workshop will be limited to 4 people to ensure everyone gets the most out…