Computing researcher, maker of monsters
Lesson learned: Changing existing names with “better” new names is not necessarily a good idea because there will always be “better” new names.
The One True Way to write code.
(Warning: thought-leadery post) Problems with CSS are not a result of flaws in CSS. The problem is how we write CSS.
I had a lot of impassioned thoughts while on a run today and decided to bang out this Twitter-thread-blog-post instead of letting them die a slow, silent death, alone in my brain, as they often do.
The methods for white-boarding algorithm questions serve us quite well when writing CSS algorithms. This post is a written portion of the second half of version 1 of the Algorithms of CSS.
I highly suggest watching Brittany’s full talk – she is a brilliant speaker, and her presentation is full of both fun facts about programming jargon and critical information about the impact of the terms we use.