Category: Monsters

One of my favorite past times is drawing friendly monsters.

My medium of choice is the iPad / Apple pencil combo in Keynote for easy use in slides and printing in stickers, but monsters are not picky about where and how they appear.

  • Freelancer is a dirty word.

    First of all, I am very proud to be a freelancer, and certainly identify as one. But…I hesitate. I kind of loathe the term. I feel like the word itself implies someone taking whatever work they can get, aimless and uncommitted, or in-between jobs with no other option to make ends meet. Of course this may…

  • Podcasts are Amazing + Recommendations

    Before getting into a few, relatively web design-centric favorites, let’s compare podcasts to the written word. By “written word” I mean articles, blogs, and the like. What you sift through on Feedly or links found on Twitter, anything you’d save to Pocket. So yeah, this post qualifies. Oh the irony!

  • Enable FTP Server on Mac

    Type this into the command line: sudo -s launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ftp.plist thanks to iGerry

  • WP dev tools I’m stoked about

    I’m constantly reading about workflows and new tools, and don’t really get a chance to use them until something fresh comes around (or if I make an extra 5 hrs to try them out). Anyhow, I’ve got some WordPress in the works and wanted to share these excellent finds. WP-CLI: A command line interface for…

  • Color Pickers of Choice

    We’ve all got our faves, here are mine! Adobe Kuler Kuler is awesome. You can create your own color schemes from a color or an uploaded image, but the best part is the massive amount of color combos created by Kuler users. You can use Kuler directly through Illustrator too, so no need to deal…

  • Talk on Freelancing at Per Scholas

    Last week I gave a talk about my experience as a freelancer at the Per Scholas Lunch & Learn, hosted by the New York Tech Council. Per Scholas is a non-profit that provides IT training and job placement for people in low-income communities.

  • Another poster for Q2L

  • Startup Bus NYC 2014

    Last week I participated in the 2014 Startup Bus from NYC to San Antonio, then to Austin for SXSW. The Startup Bus is a 72hr hackathon where 30 people on a bus form teams and create, develop, and pitch a startup while on the bus. It was quite an experience, to say the least! I…

  • Style tile for Q2L Website

    Style what? Style Tiles are a design deliverable consisting of fonts, colors and interface elements that communicate the essence of a visual brand for the web. – by Samantha Warren Here is the first iteration of a style tile for Quest to Learn’s website redesign. The branding and logo design were done by the…

  • Harvest4Clients Fork

    No demo online yet, so a screenshot will suffice for now. I am in the process of transitioning all of my work to hourly billing and am looking for an easy way for clients to check in on my hours. I am a happy Harvest user, but it doesn’t offer an easy way for clients…

  • Show a title when hovering over an image with jQuery or CSS

    \It’s not too hard! I was writing up a demo and figured I might as well share it with the world. You can do it in CSS or jQuery, definitely useful for galleries.

  • Poster design

    Kinda fun! For a mission teaching high school students about genetics.