- Human Resource Development Quarterly
- Performance Improvement Quarterly
- The Learning Organization
- Journal of Workplace Learning
Not as common:
- International Journal of Training and Development
- Adult Education Quarterly
- Journal of Vocational Education and Training
- The Vocational Aspect of Education
- Education + Training
- New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education
Broken into three categories: Human Resource Development (about developing humans for the end goal of organizational benefit), Communities of Practice/Informal Learning (about how people learn at work), and Equity in Professional Learning.
Related categories of literature that are not specifically explored yet are andragogy (adult education) and vocational training (not necessarily at the workplace).
Human Resource Development
This is the organizational focus – developing humans in order to improve organizational performance.
Brown, John Seely, and Paul Duguid. “Organizational learning and communities-of-practice: Toward a unified view of working, learning, and innovation.” Organization science 2.1 (1991): 40-57.
- HRD is a process of developing and/or unleashing human expertise through organization development (OD) and personnel training and development (T&D) for the purpose of improving performance.
- – âany process or activity that, either initially or over the long term, has the potential to develop adultâs work-based knowledge, expertise, productivity and satisfaction, whether for personal or group, team gain, or for the benefit of an organization, community, nation, or ultimately, the whole of humanityâ.
Human Capital Theory
Human capital theory is the idea that humans’ ability to learn is comparable to the value of other goods and services.
- Human capital theory: Implications for human resource development, Fredrick Muyia Nafukho, Nancy Hairston, Kit Brooks, 2004 – @nafukhoHumanCapitalTheory2004
- Returns to investment in education: A further update, George Psacharopoulos, Harry Anthony Patrinos *, 2004 – @psacharopoulosReturnsInvestmentEducation2004
Workplace Learning
- Competencies and workplace learning: Some reflections on the rhetoric and the reality, Thomas N. Garavan, David McGuire, 2001
- The impact of organizational structure and practices on learning in the workplace, David N. Ashton, 2004 – @ashtonImpactOrganisationalStructure2004
- Contextual factors influencing informal learning in a workplace setting: The case of âReinventing itself companyâ, Andrea D. Ellinger, 2005 – @ellingerContextualFactorsInfluencing2005
- Expansive learning environments: Integrating organizational and personal development, H. Rainbird, A. Fuller and A. Munro, 2004 – @fullerExpansiveLearningEnvironments2004
- Toward a Workplace Pedagogy: Guidance, Participation, and Engagement, Stephen Billett, 2002 – @billettWorkplacePedagogyGuidance2002
- Learning, training, and development in organizations, 2010 – @kozlowskiLearningTrainingDevelopment2010 Informal Learning and Development in Organizations p 303
Vocational Education & Training (VET, CVET, IVET)
Communities of Practice / Informal Learning
Lifelong Learning
- Vocational education and the field of lifelong education, Steven Hodge, John Holford, Marcella Milana, Richard Waller, Sue Webb, 2017 – @hodgeVocationalEducationField2017
- Perceptions of empowerment and motivation as outcomes of a continuing vocational education and training (CVET) programme for adults, Liviu-Catalin Mara, RosalĂa CascĂłn-Pereira, Ignasi Brunet Icart, 2022 – @maraPerceptionsEmpowermentMotivation2022
Learning Environments and Conditions
- Workplace participatory practices: Conceptualising workplaces as learning environments, Stephen Billett, 2004 – @billettWorkplaceParticipatoryPractices2004
- Creating and using knowledge: An analysis of the differentiated nature of workplace learning environments, Alison Fuller, Lorna Unwin, Alan Felstead, Nick Jewson, Konstantinos Kakavelakis, 2007 – @fullerCreatingUsingKnowledge2007
- Learning conditions for non-formal and informal workplace learning, Eva Kyndt, Filip Dochy, Hanne Nijs, 2009 – @kyndtLearningConditionsNon2009
- Contextual factors influencing the facilitation of others’ learning through everyday work experiences, Andrea D. Ellinger, Maria Cseh, 2007 – @ellingerContextualFactorsInfluencing2007
- Learning at work: Organisational affordances and individual engagement, Jane Bryson, Karl Pajo, Robyn Ward, Mary Mallon, 2006 – @brysonLearningWorkOrganisational2006
Informal & Incidental Learning
- Informal and Incidental Learning, Victoria J. Marsick, Karen E. Watkins, 2001 – @marsickInformalIncidentalLearning2001
- Workplace learning: Developing an holistic model, Pamela Matthews, 1999 – @matthewsWorkplaceLearningDeveloping1999
- Factors that influence informal learning in the workplace, Shelley A. Berg, Seung Youn (Yonnie) Chyung, 2008 – @bergFactorsThatInfluence2008
- Computing students learning computing informally, Robert McCartney, Anna Eckerdal, Jan Erik Moström, Kate Sanders, Lynda Thomas, Carol Zander, 2010 – @mccartneyComputingStudentsLearning2010
- Bridging the Digital Skills Gap: Are computing degree apprenticeships the answer?, Ella Taylor-Smith, Sally Smith, Khristin Fabian, Tessa Berg, Debbie Meharg, Alison Varey, 2019 – @taylor-smithBridgingDigitalSkills2019
- Curriculum-Aligned Work-Integrated Learning: A New Kind of Industry-Academic Degree Partnership, Gail Carmichael, Christine Jordan, Andrea Ross, Alison Evans Adnani, 2018 – @carmichaelCurriculumAlignedWorkIntegratedLearning2018
- Devising Work-based Learning Curricula with Apprentice Research Software Engineers, Joseph Maguire, Quintin Cutts, Jack Parkinson, Matthew Barr, Derek Somerville, 2019 – @maguireDevisingWorkbasedLearning2019
- Implementing a competency-based information technology curriculum: Challenges and opportunities, Mihaela Sabin, 2018 – @sabinImplementingCompetencybasedInformation2018
Equity in Professional Learning
- L/Earning a living: Practices and recognition of women’s on-the-job and informal learning in the information technology field, Kaela Jubas, Shauna Butterwick, Hong Zhu, Jen Liptrot, 2006 – @jubasEarningLivingPractices2006
- The Value of Mentoring in Facilitating the Retention and Upward Mobility of Women in ICT, Keri Logan, Barbara Crump, 2007 – @loganValueMentoringFacilitating2007
- Gender Differences in Hackathons as a Non-traditional Educational Experience, Caroline D. Hardin, 2021 – @hardinGenderDifferencesHackathons2021
- Gender-equal organizations as a prerequisite for workplace learning, Kristina Johansson, Lena Abrahamsson, 2018 – @johanssonGenderequalOrganizationsPrerequisite2018
- Changing Lives: The case for women-only vocational technology training revisited, Els Rommes, Wendy Faulkner, Irma Van Slooten, 2005 – @rommesChangingLivesCase2005
- Learning as becoming in vocational education and training: Class, gender and the role of vocational habitus, Helen Colley, David James, Kim Diment, Michael Tedder, 2003 – @colleyLearningBecomingVocational2003
- Gendered learning environments in managerial work, Maria Gustavsson, Anna Fogelberg Eriksson, 2010 – @gustavssonGenderedLearningEnvironments2010
Women returning to the workforce
- Women returnersâAn example of positive action, Robert V. Slusarchuk, 1990 – @slusarchukWomenReturnersExample1990 – a vocational training program for careers in IT.
- Facilitating successful re-entries in the United States: Training and development for women returners, Tomika W. Greer, 2013 – @greerFacilitatingSuccessfulReentries2013
- Career Reentry Strategies for Highly Educated Stay-at-Home Mothers, Cheryl Mendinueto Guc, 1993 – @gucCareerReentryStrategies1993
- learning organization
- transformational learning
- incidental learning
- expansive learning
- workplace pedagogy
- situated learning
- personal competency
- lifelong learning
- human resource development
- human capital theory
- organizational training
- vocational education and training (VET)
- continuing vocational education and training (CVET)
- initial vocational education and training (IVET)
- andragogy