tweet + iterate = tweeterate [WiH]

An idea for a word / concept that might make tweeting a more pleasant experience for me. Written in haste.

[written in haste]

I tweeted about something today without editing it too much and now, of course, I have many ideas of how I could have worded it better. That, and the fact that after writing a tweet and reading it to myself, I always read it in a very patronizing and self-righteous tone which sucks because my worst fear is to come off as patronizing and self-righteous. Such is Twitter, I guess.

So…I had this great idea for a word / concept when I went for a run just now, and imma rapidfire write it out and publish it in this blog post:

tweet + iterate = tweeterate

Maybe if I approach a tweet as something I can iterate on (versus some un-editable blurb that will exist for all time unless otherwise specified which is, like, the most inhuman thing ever) I will feel less anxiety about tweeting, and I will share more thoughts. I guess that is the end goal, to share more thoughts.

In any event, as any reader of my blog will know, this Twitter anxiety of mine is a recurring theme. Let’s see if tweeterating helps (and now that I am reading this, maybe Twitter can help think of a better word for this concept…tweeterate? What?).

K bye!