Algorithms in CSS Tour Dates, Summer 2019

My talk and I are going on tour this summer! In other words, I submitted to a bunch of conferences and got into some of them. So stoked!

Lara speaking at a big conference about CSS!

That’s right…me and my talk, Algorithms in CSS (a.k.a. Algorithms of CSS) are going on tour this summer!

Translation: I was invited (milestone!!!) to speak at CSS Day in Amsterdam, and had planned to keep it at that, but then I attended Global Diversity CFP Day (one of my favorite events) when I was visiting NYC. That event and the people I met boosted my confidence and ambition, so I spent several Saturdays during the winter submitting my talk (from two different angles) to a lot of conferences. My proposal was accepted for some (not all) of them!

Here are the tour dates:

The talk is ~90% new content, and I’m sure it will change even more throughout the summer as I learn new things and meet new people at all of these great events. I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!! But for real, I am! I love working on this talk!!

(Please note: I still experience moments of panic and imposter-y feelings about speaking, but I’ve figured out a good system to keep them at bay, for the most part.)

Not only will this summer be a test for the new talk content (which touches on some big ideas), but it will be a test for me, too: I’ve never done this many conferences in such a short amount of time. Will I like it? Will it be too much travel? I just moved to Pittsburgh and am so happy to be here, but I’m going to be traveling so much and focusing on my talk and working a full-time job. I’ll have to miss a lot of the fun Pittsburgh stuff I moved here for…but Pittsburgh will still be here in the fall, right?