Lover of programming, maker of monsters
A bulleted list of 2021 highlights and lowlights, but mostly highlights, and a few photos, mostly of plants and food, and some music. 2021 was a year of change and offline activities!
Another year, another “Year in Review” but this time, in a more fitting format.
What happened in 2019? Lots of good things and some not as good things. This post is mostly about the good things in my life!
2018 was an A+ year for me. Here’s a bona fide “Year in Review” post that I will continue to update in the coming weeks!
My 2017 Year In Review post ended up morphing into a longer article, so for now, here are some goals and plans for 2018. They can be boiled down to WordPress, Computer Science studies, and writing.
This is “Year in Review” has a bit of a negative tone. I considered editing this post to make it sound more I-love-my-life-and-work-always for potential employers, but that’s no fun! Go ahead and read about 2015, the year that made me want to leave NYC, move to Utah, and work at a bar (which I…