Lover of programming, maker of monsters
As someone who works with WordPress on the regular, output buffering is one of those concepts that I’ve encountered in the past and, until now, never needed to understand. I hope this serves to be a relatively plain language description of what output buffering is at a high level, and will illuminate the concept for…
Although Timber ultimately simplifies templating in WordPress, there’s a bit of a barrier to entry. If you haven’t worked in a templating language before, it takes some time to get a handle on what’s possible. The following are some introductory Twig concepts and snippets I’ve found particularly useful when working with Timber and Advanced Custom…
I found the Twig documentation for using key value pairs from PHP arrays a little sparse, so thought I’d elaborate.
I’m excited to officially announce the launch of It was really fun to build, thanks to my new favorite pair of things in the world: Timber with Advanced Custom Fields. I’d like to share some highlights of my process, and maybe even convince you to try out Timber on your next project.