Lover of programming, maker of monsters
A slightly delayed Chronicle, but no less juicy! In preparation for the kick-off of Blueberry, we are figuring out how to actually share and publish modules as the design system (named Larva) becomes a product that stands on its own.
Cantaloupe, a.k.a., has launched!!! This installment of the Chronicles discusses the project’s huge success, the beginnings of a design system roadmap, and an introduction to Blueberry, the next code-named redesign for PMC.
What do you call a design system before it has published modules but after it has started providing useful tools? Naming is hard.
Wowww…so much cool stuff has happened in the past month! This installment of Designgineering Chronicles is full of milestones and an outline of a some real deal system architecture for a project underway, code-named Cantaloupe.
This post is a summary of what I’ve been working on at PMC as a “Design Engineer”. Note that it is written in haste (WiH)!