Podcast Recommendation: Cite Black Women

I listened to three episodes of this today and learned a ton. Before amplifying voices, I need to know about voices to amplify.


Cite Black Women is a movement and collective started in 2017 by Christen A. Smith “as a campaign to push people to engage in a radical praxis of citation that acknowledges and honors Black women’s transnational intellectual production.” A key component of antiracism is amplifying voices that are oppressed due to racist systems, but I can’t do that without knowledge of voices to amplify.

Check out the podcast on iTunes here.

I listened to three episodes of it today, and particularly liked the episode “We Must Center Black Trans Women in This Struggle” with Imara Jones. I did some more research about her, and that will need to be in a post of its own! Wow, she’s awesome.

I learned about Cite Black Women on this Anti-Racism for White People: From Resource to Action document, which I learned about from this Shareable Anti-racism Resource Guide, which I learned about in the chat during this session from AnitaB.org.