Little Listicles #1 (2-5-1)

This is the first in a weekly series of “little listicles” (which sometimes will be only a single listicle…and the name might change) – you can read more about my commitment to this here.

Now, onto this week’s “little listicles”.

2 research papers I enjoyed reading in the past month

  1. Sisco, Stephanie, Michael Valesano, and Joshua C. Collins. “Social movement learning and human resource development: An agenda for a radical future.” Advances in Developing Human Resources 21.2 (2019): 175-192.
  2. Lyle, Ellyn. “[Re] considering the Workplace: Teaching and Learning for Critical Consciousness.” Journal of Workplace Rights 17.3-4 (2013). PDF here.

5 titles in my post drafts that contain quotations

  1. Thoughts on “realness” in programming
  2. The “flat engineering team” fallacy
  3. What does it mean to “just figure it out”
  4. A few tech-related “isms”
  5. “Why don’t you just write HTML and CSS?”

1 thing I am looking forward to

  1. Lunch – I think we are going to go out and get sandwiches.