Computing researcher, maker of monsters
UPDATE: Just use Justin Tadlock’s Cleaner Gallery plugin. I am in the midst of rewriting my WP theme WPFolio Two. I wanted to make the gallery thumbnail images a flexible width rather than their default fixed width. To do this, I gave the attachment images themselves a width: 100%; but needed to apply my responsive…
I recently switched hosting from Dreamhost to Lithium Hosting – seems like a solid switch so far. Migrating hosts is certainly frustrating especially since Dreamhost uses a proprietary cPanel. A particular issue is that I like to keep all of my domains in subdirectories of public_html. Dreamhost does this automatically, even with your root domain,…
I’ve been freelancing full time for about 6 months now and finally feel that I’ve streamlined my process. I’d like to share a few things that made a huge difference for me: Find a co-working space. I rent a desk at CatapultPGH, and have no idea what I would do without it. The community is…
On the F layout: The F-Layout relies upon various eyetracking studies for it’s foundational concept. These scientific studies show that web surfers read the screen in an “F” pattern – seeing the top, upper left corner and left sides of the screen most… only occasionally taking glances towards the right side of the screen. These…
When making custom sites, I separate my code into various php files that each include a consistent header and footer so that I don’t have to deal with verbose, redundant HTML files. By default you end up with gross URLs like Make it by adding this to your .htaccess file and replacing index|about|..…