Computing researcher, maker of monsters
Of all the talks I’ve given, the “The Five-Figure WordPress Website” is my favorite. It’s a thorough look at the process I use to make WordPress websites in my freelance practice, and I’m really happy to share the process it’s taken me many years to fine tune. With that in mind, here are a bunch…
“Just update your ruby gems, generate a new SSH key, and run a git rebase…” … I don’t envy those just entering the field of web development. In addition to learning the fundamentals, there’s an expectation to be proficient in an increasingly exhausting laundry list of buzzwords and technologies. So think twice before suggesting someone…
See the Pen prIFw by Lara Schenck (@laras126) on CodePen. A realign is officially underway (didn’t I just do one?). Don’t expect anything too soon, but the above is a little preview. Plus I’ve been listening to Codepen Radio lately and, well, time to make a pen! In addition to typography and gridding, I’ve…