Lover of programming, maker of monsters
One of my favorite past times is drawing friendly monsters.
My medium of choice is the iPad / Apple pencil combo in Keynote for easy use in slides and printing in stickers, but monsters are not picky about where and how they appear.
It’s been almost two years since the first time I gave my talk on CSS algorithms. What is a CSS algorithm? Great question.
Vestiges of Pittsburgh’s legacy as “Smoketown” or “hell with the lid taken off” still remain.
The last installment of the Designgineering Chronicles. The work itself is far from over, but I am very over writing these posts.
Gotta love this monster’s candid expression!
(Warning: thought-leadery post) Problems with CSS are not a result of flaws in CSS. The problem is how we write CSS.
This is possibly the cutest thing I have ever created! The middle illustration peels off into its own sticker.
A quick share of what I consider a significant win for Larva, the design system I started at PMC that is now a very official thing at the company.
A quick post about realizing an intersection between my existing knowledge and something new I am learning. Well, maybe they are both new things.
If you’re ever frustrated, feeling like, “No one is listening to me!!” just look at this sweet monster.
A lesson learned during research and development for a new project at work.
What happened in 2019? Lots of good things and some not as good things. This post is mostly about the good things in my life!
I have at long last revived my email list! Sign up to receive a monthly monster + feed of recent blog posts in your inbox. What a sweet deal!