Every year for my birthday (since about three years ago), I re-learn to calculate my age in the binary number system. I didn’t write a blog post about it last year for age 11111, but I did the year before for age 11110.
The fun thing about tracking a number like age in binary numbers is there are lots of fun birthdays with many 0s or many 1s or repeating 1s and 0s. What is it called in binary when you add a decimal place to the end and all the ones reset to zeroes? I don’t know, but I like it and that just happened!
This year, it took me about fifteen minutes to re-learn counting in binary, and I did not read a tutorial before doing it. I figured it out with a “brute force” approach on this piece of paper, and checked my numbers periodically on this website then restarted a few times until I was doing it correctly.

Maybe next year, or the following, I will re-learn how to do it this more efficiently…or not 😊
Also, full disclosure: I did not write this on my birthday.