Computing researcher, maker of monsters
A bit of documentation I wrote for a Sass mixin that outputs utility classes based on a map of values.
It’s not necessarily bad to concatenate Sass selectors, but if you need to keep developers from doing it for the purposes of coding standards, this might be helpful!
@include upperspace;
I’ve made a few websites over the past year or so, and I finally feel like I’ve nailed down the process. Of course there’s a lot more to it, but potentially the most useful, simple, and adorably named part has been a typography mixin I call upperspace: @mixin upperspace { letter-spacing: 1px; text-transform: uppercase; }…
A recap of my talk “Sassy WordPress” along with some updates I’ll add should I give the talk again.
Sass is “CSS with Superpowers” and infinitely awesome. But maybe you don’t feel like spending an entire weekend pounding your head against your laptop, figuring out how to get set up. Come to this evening workshop and we’ll walk through it all, step by step. You’ll have Sass up and running in your projects by…
UPDATE: Just use Justin Tadlock’s Cleaner Gallery plugin. I am in the midst of rewriting my WP theme WPFolio Two. I wanted to make the gallery thumbnail images a flexible width rather than their default fixed width. To do this, I gave the attachment images themselves a width: 100%; but needed to apply my responsive…