Every first Friday at Catapult, we do an informal Show-n-Tell where four people or organizations give a 10ish minute presentation about what they do. Sort of like lightning TED talks, it’s a wonderful way to find out about smaller, under-the-radar projects in your community or to hear about larger ones in an informal setting. Here’s how to start one (it’s easy!):
- Find a space. A co-working space is perfect because you’ll automatically have a few attendees, but anywhere would work.
- Find people. Ask anyone doing something interesting to present. The informality makes it an excellent venue to get feedback on new projects, or to promote an upcoming event. And send emails. I’ve that found about everyone, even higher profile Pittsburghers, are very happy to talk in a smaller setting.
- Spread word. We put out a blog post, Facebook event (here’s our most recent), and promote the event on Twitter. You could put much more effort into this part, like making cards or posters to leave in coffee shops.
- Buy beer. Obviously this isn’t necessary, but a nice touch.
We also have a visual notetaker at Catapult. It’s very cool to have the walls plastered with records of past presenters. Our current notetaker is the talented Steph Bercht.

Show-n-Tell was started by Jonny Goldstein who has since moved to NY, and I believe has begun one at a co-working space there.