Sloppy Screencast #1: Actions vs. Filters in WordPress

What’s the difference between actions and filters in WordPress? In this “Sloppy Screencast”, i.e. a recording from a tutoring session, we will explore.

Screenshot of a WordPress hook in a dark color themed text editor

I strongly dislike planning, recording, and editing screencasts. It’s just not my thing. However, in my tutoring sessions – loosely planned and recorded with YouTube Live – there are occasionally some nice, project-agnostic nuggets I want to tease out and share with the world. I will call these “Sloppy Screencasts”.

Here is Sloppy Screencast #1: an explanation of WordPress hooks i.e. actions and filters.

Except do you know what’s not that sloppy about this screencast? Captioning! I learned that one can easily automate and edit captions in YouTube. Although I am mortified at the number of filler words I use while speaking, it was a great exercise, and one I hope to explore further as a way to help with writing! Maybe more about that soon.