This is a Now page, a personal website trend inspired by Derek Sivers (check out many inspiring examples and even make your own here). It’s basically, “what am I doing now?”. I’m going to try to include a photo, too.
March 24, 2024

- Returning from a trip during spring break to California to visit family and to go hang out in my old neighborhood, Thai Town, in LA. Ate a lot and walked a lot, it was great. There is a new coffee shop there that was also great.
- I took a break from Nepali lessons during my exam; looking forward to resuming next week.
- Did really well in the ATL half marathon at the end of February, and have been keeping up with running.
- Mostly have bailed on my art-everyday New Years goal, but oh well.
- Thinking about starting a science fiction book club.
- Before this trip, finished the written portion of my qualifying exam. The weeks/months leading up to that were intense. Now though, I can focus fully on my research.
- Next, will be working on a presentation about my research for the presentation part of the qualifying exam.
- Also will be focusing on revisions for my journal article about gatekeeping to resubmit hopefully before the summer.
- Weekly Career Dev with a new cohort at DataWorks.
December 30, 2023

- Enjoying some peaceful time with just one project to focus on, and spending time with family.
- I have ideas and motivation for exercise and healthy eating routines – we’ll see what happens.
- Made a lot of progress with Nepali when my in-laws were visiting, although it didn’t feel like progress at first because I was tired and stressed.
- Taking the ACT book I’m reading very seriously, and I guess my one goal is to try to stick with these techniques in the new year.
- Working hard on a paper for about how we used LinkedIn in career development at DataWorks, and how it wasn’t so easy to use.
- Will be taking my qualifying exam next semester, but taking a break from the studying in between semesters.
- Sometime will redo the homepage of my website to be more “academic” and “professional”.
June 8, 2023

- Continuing slowly with Nepali, weekly-ish classes with an excellent tutor I met through italki. I can more or less handle small talk with people I know.
- Enjoying watching TV shows in a way that might be unprecedented in my life.
- More travel coming up.
- Working with DataWorks over the summer and coordinating the rebuild of our website and the “packaging up” of our curriculum for display to the public.
- Going to ICER in August to give a lightning talk (baby’s first academic conference talk!)
- Trying to be a little more chill (maybe “trying to chill” is doing it wrong…) over the summer to de-stress before the fall semester.
February 3, 2023

- Drew some monsters after a while. It was nice.
- Starting to shop for a house.
- Planning to start a group for Nepali learning to help with accountability.
- Taking two classes this semester: Educational Technology and Instructional Design. They are similar but different, which is nice so far.
- Writing a paper. A working title, which will not be the title, was: Breaking News: Gatekeepers think novice-friendly computational work isn’t “real” programming
- Getting ready for a new cohort to start at DataWorks, and revising the career development workshops to deliver again.
- Transcribing interviews from the first workshop which will eventually turn into a paper.
December 6, 2022
- In Nepal until January for our third and final wedding
- Hard to think of anything else apart from that! Sleep has been a lot better.
- Finished up the career development workshops with DataWorks
- Recorded a shortish, somewhat rough talk about my research direction so far – see it here
- Finished a first draft of a paper about gatekeeping in programming communities, kind of my final say about “Is CSS a programming language” and why that matters
October 31, 2022

- It kind of feels like the personal and professional have merged…
- Switched to a new (and fantastic) Nepali teacher on italki
- Struggling with some insomnia and trying out very strict sleep hygiene habits
- Only running 1-2 times per week; just hard to get it in
- Almost through my first semester at GA Tech and loving it
- Delivering a curriculum on job-finding and professional networking with the team at DataWorks
- Figuring out a research direction and going to try for a 4 year PhD
- Resuming work on a paper about the social construction of programming languages, and combining it with current ideas
- Applied again for the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
- Feeling confused about how to write about research on this website
July 21, 2022

- Finishing east coast travel before we pack up and move to Atlanta
- Learning Nepali (made a goal to finish my Nepali book before we go to Nepal in December)
- Fine-tuning the revamp of this website
- Started reading Moon Witch, Spider King by Marlon James
- Will resume my brother’s painting project after we get back from travel
- Reviewing literature about workplace learning which is quite broad in scope and will likely evolve into what is entry-level computing work and how people level up from that
- Starting to think about my proposal for the NSF graduate fellowship (I applied last year and didn’t get it)
- Using the time and information management skills, plus Compilce and Obsidian to manage my work – going well so far
- Finished up at PMC at the end of June!
June 10, 2022
- Preparing to move to Atlanta where I will start a PhD program in Human-Centered Computing at Georgia Tech this August,
- Enjoying the summer and my remaining time in Pittsburgh with family,
- Finishing up my time at PMC and working on training materials,
- Learning Nepali,
- Gradually refactoring how I write content on this site so that I can more easily share what I learn during school i.e. working on a more digital-garden-y v5,
- Finishing a painting I gifted to my brother three years ago,
- Learning about time and information management habits and developing my own in preparation for grad school.