In this workshop series you will learn modern job search skills. You will prepare your resume, learn how to grow your network, prepare for and practice interviewing, and start to build a longer-term vision for your career.
Version 2
Session 1: Professional Networking
1st – Data concept maps, send me a photo of yours – 5min
Discuss: Plans for the upcoming workshops – 10min
- R and S – participate in the sessions, and we are going to run this again later in the year/early next year, so you’ll have another opportunity – keep doing Excel work, and do career dev as you are able.
- Get your job search process started; that is the hardest part. There’s a lot of inertia! Story about how tight timelines are tough – and it takes a while to get started.
- What we’ll be doing
- Career chats: People to have in your network, add everyone on LinkedIn – a way to see what’s out there and make some contacts, hear from people out there
- Lecture-y sessions: More talking with some exercises
- Info interviews and mock interviews: You will email and schedule them with people from the networking contacts list
- Working sessions: Supported work time to spend on your resume, job search applications
- Show schedule
Exercise: Who is in your network? – 5min
- On a piece of paper, write down a list of who you consider to be in your network.
Discuss: Name a couple of people on your list and your relationship to them
Lecture: Strength of Weak Ties (Marcus Granovetter)
- Strength of weak ties – drawing it out
- Role of linking ties – connecting networks
- Being a mentor/being mentored
Discuss: Someone new to the US looking for work, what advice would you give them?
Lecture: Re-framing networking
- Re-framing networking as relationship building; making friends you have professional interests or complementary professional goals in common with
- You don’t have to talk all the time – it could be someone you worked with once, and haven’t talked to in years, but you know each other
- It’s an exchange and both sides offer value (a novice has value to offer to people who are looking for mentorship opportunities)
- Sharing content and attending events are ways to find people with similar professional interests (Meetups and LinkedIn, conferences, employee resource groups)
Exercise again: Who is in your network?
- On a new piece of paper, write down a list of who you consider to be in your network. What differences are there from your first list?
For next Skillshare on Friday:
- Review the Resume Guide and update your resume
Version 1
In this workshop series you will learn how to grow and leverage your network as you search for a job. You will prepare your resume, prepare for and practice interviewing, and start to build a longer-term vision for your career.
Session 5: Work session & interview practice
- Share: What job did you apply for last week? If you didn’t apply for one, what got in the way?
- Work time – choose one of the following:
- Work on a job application
- Write your cover letter; update your resume
- Write emails to networking contacts
- Update the timelines in the Career Story & Vision template (from the first session – you should have made a copy of it)
- Get started on preparation for Friday’s mock interview session
- Interview preparation and feedback (15mins)
- 5mins – Choose a question from the list in the homework and think about how you want to respond to it (or we all choose the same one)
- Write notes in a place you can reference them later
- Each person share their answer, and we all give feedback
- 5mins – Choose a question from the list in the homework and think about how you want to respond to it (or we all choose the same one)
Session 5 Homework:
- Apply to another job, and find the next one you plan to apply to.
- Prepare for Friday’s mock interviews session:
- Choose a job application you want to do a practice interview for and post it in Teams
- Share a digital copy of your resume in Teams
- Here are some interview questions you could prepare for our practice rounds on Friday (but it will be up to the mock interviewers what they ask – see this link for more)
- Tell me about yourself
- Why do you want to work at our company? Why this role?
- What do you do at your current (or most recent) job, and how has that prepared you for this role?
- Tell me about your strengths and weaknesses.
- Tell me about a time you made a mistake or experienced a failure and how you dealt with it.
- How do you manage deadline pressure?
- What do you like to do outside of work?
- Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
- What questions do you have for me?
- Reflection (send to me by end of Friday) – catch up on previous reflections, if you haven’t submitted them:
- Session 4:
- List 2-3 ideas for career goals and for each goal, write a list of steps you would take to achieve it (note: all of this can, and will, change!)
- Session 3:
- What do you think is the role of data in professional networking, particularly when using social media for networking?
- About the workshops so far:
- Has anything helped you feel inspired or excited?
- What have you found to be challenging?
- Session 2:
- What is one way you plan on supporting yourself during a difficult time of growth?
- Envision a person who you want to invite for an informational interview/coffee chat (they can be made up)
- What do they do?
- What would you like to learn from them?
- What can they learn from you?
- Session 1:
- What strengths did you identify? When you asked people about your strengths, did anything surprise you?
- What did you learn from creating your timeline? What was easy/difficult?
- Session 4:
Session 4: Email writing, cover letters, practice interviews
- Demonstrate email writing and choosing a contact from the networking contacts (10mins)
- Miscellaneous email etiquette
- Scheduling a call
- Cover Letters (10mins)
- How to Write A Cover Letter – “The key to writing effective cover letters is to succinctly communicate how your professional experience fits the needs of the role and culture of the company.”
- Work time (30mins – choose from the following)
- Select someone from the networking contacts list and draft an email to them
- Catch up on a reflection
- Write a cover letter
- Research the company for a job post you like
- Research people you might want to contact on LinkedIn or otherwise
- Revisit your career story slides
- Practice interviews & resume feedback (20mins)
- Break into pairs and take turns responding to practice interview questions, give feedback on the other person’s resume
- Example questions:
- Tell me about yourself.
- Tell me about a challenge you experienced in your career and how you overcame it.
- What do you consider your greatest professional achievement?
- Tell me about your strengths and weaknesses.
- Walk me through your career experience.
- Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
- What are you looking for in a new position?
- What do you like to do outside of work?
- Why are you applying to this job?
- Tip: Something I did when practicing for interviews was to write the answers to common questions on an index card and I referenced it while I was practicing
- Decide on schedule for our next sessions:
- I have a few people who volunteered to do practice interviews via Zoom. We could schedule these for Friday Dec 2, or Monday Nov 28. We might not have a speaker for Dec 2…I have a potential back up plan, however.
- Work-time/catch up session – apply to jobs and write emails together, revisit 5 year plans.
Session 4 Homework:
- Apply to 1 job, and find one more you want to apply to. For your first application, you can pick a job you aren’t too excited about or one that you think is a long shot. The first one will be hard and you’ll learn a lot, but it will also be a confidence boost and the next ones will be easier!
- Reflection:
- List 2-3 ideas for career goals and for each goal, write a list of steps you would take to achieve it (note: all of this can, and will, change!)
- BONUS: Email one more person for a coffee chat, from the list or someone you found
- Remember: If you need a hype person for submitting an application or sending an email, text me!!
Session 3: Professional networking and building your resume template
- Exercise: Who is in your network? (3mins)
- Lecture: “Strength of weak ties” and building a diverse network (10mins)
- Strong vs weak vs absent “ties”, and the strength of weak ties in connecting you to different communities (theory from Mark S. Granovetter, 1977)
- How weak ties can connect you to different communities, “bridging” ties
- About “linking” / “vertical” ties and importance of a diverse network
- Story about someone coming to the U.S.
- Exercise again: Who is in your network? (3mins)
- Conversation: What do you think is the role of social media and algorithms in your network? (10mins)
- People for you to reach out to for informational interviews, resume feedback, practice interviews, and more! (5mins)
- Show the form results
- A safe way to build confidence writing emails and talking to people you’ve never met
- Example email template for an email to someone you’ve never met
- But it’s important for you to find people that are meaningful for your particular career journey – this is a start
- Updating your resume for specific job posts (remaining time)
- Do a demo of looking at a job post and someone’s resume
- Discuss how you would update it for the specific post
Session 3 Homework:
- Email 2 people from the list for one of the items they offered to help with (i.e. informational interview, mock interview, resume feedback, or invite them to speak for a career chat Zoom Q&A)
- BCC me on the emails for feedback, or send me the text beforehand to review!
- Note: you can also email someone you want to speak with who is not on the list, just make sure to email two people!
- Send your resume to someone for feedback (either Jan or this can be one of your emails from the list above)
- Research our speaker, Ebonie Butler, and think of some questions for her. Particularly check out her Twitch streams about learning programming.
- Connect with her on LinkedIn (mention you are from DataWorks in your message)
- Think of some questions to ask about her career and about having an online presence – keep these in your personal notes to reference later (10mins)
- Reflection (email or Teams message to me by Friday end of day):
- What do you think is the role of data in professional networking, particularly when using social media for networking?
- About the workshops so far:
- Has anything helped you feel inspired or excited?
- What have you found to be challenging?
- BONUS: Submit an application to one job by next Monday (this will be a requirement for next week…might as well get ahead and submit two ;)
- Animated video about “the strength of weak ties” theory in business
- Another video about Informational Interviews (same thing as “coffee chat”)
Session 2: Preparing your mindset for job searching
- A note about information management (5mins)
- Write in professional journal (5mins)
- Lecture/conversation (10mins): About the brain
- Do you think your brain changes as an adult?
- Implicit theories of intelligence (incremental/growth vs. entity/fixed)
- A ton of research that shows when people have this growth mindset, they do better and are happier
- Literally, the brain grows with every new thing learned – think about mistakes we all make in the Python class. Every time you made a mistake and corrected it, your brain grew a little. But this can be super challenging.
- Story and writing exercises: for each story, write for 3 mins about what advice you would give the person in the story. Then we will share and move on to the next story (10min ea. story)
- Story 1: Job interview (Andre)
- Story 2: Burned out (Tina)
- Story 3: Inequitable pay (Kai)
- What are some ways people can support themselves and each other during these hard times of growth? (10min)
- Next time we will talk in detail about networking and informational interviews/coffee chats (5min)
- Informational interviewing: a form of “interviewing” or getting in touch with people for a conversation that can help your career
- About “playing the networking game” – it seems slimy but it doesn’t have to be! People want to help and you have something to offer, too
- If time (we can also do Friday before the speaker): Round robin introduce yourself practice (2mins interviews, switch)
- Pretend the other person is a data analyst and you are in an informational interview with them, what about your story do you share in your professional introduction?
- Review homework for next time
Session 2 Homework (complete by Friday end of day):
- Watch: All about the coffee chat (this person works in design, but I thought good advice for all fields) (13mins)
- Research Jan Morian, our speaker this week, connect with her on LinkedIn, and think of some questions to ask about jobs at Georgia Tech – keep these in your personal notes to reference later (10mins)
- Reflection questions (email or Teams message to me by end of day Friday): (10-15mins)
- What is one way you plan on supporting yourself during a difficult time of growth?
- Envision a person who you want to invite for an informational interview/coffee chat (they can be made up)
- What do they do?
- What would you like to learn from them?
- What can they learn from you?
Resources about mindsets & changing your brain:
- Books:
- Grit: The Power of Passion & Perserverence by Angela Duckworth
- Peak Mind: Find Your Focus, Own Your Attention, Invest 12 Minutes a Day by Dr. Amishi Jah
- Stay Woke: A Meditation Guide for the Rest of Us by Justin Michael Williams
- Podcast episodes:
- Videos:
- After watching this, your brain will not be the same by Lara Boyd
Session 1: Career Vision, Your Strengths, Your Story
- Overview of what we will do (10min)
- Review modules and structure
- Each week will have an in-person lecture/exercise, a reflection, and 30mins-1hr of work outside
- Fridays will be Q&A speakers
- Information management (copy this folder with templates)
- In here, keep track of companies you’d love to work at, people you talked to and notes, job posts, inspiring things, and start a habit of looking for these things
- You can also use a note-taking app like Evernote or OneNote
- About professional journals (can we schedule time for this in the DataWorks calendar? Or maybe in the beginning of the Monday sessions we take 5 minutes):
- Review modules and structure
- Write down your strengths, interests, skills, and values (link to values list) (5mins)
- Setting the stage with your career story and vision (1hr max)
- No right or wrong answers, just to get you thinking of ideas! All of this will change, and you can update it as it does.
- These should be MESSY and fast – don’t try to be perfect or thorough, you just want to get lots of information down and think big! (see below image)
- Eventually we will look back at these and think, what of all of this do I want to highlight when I am interviewing for a job?
- Bishal’s slides for example – there is lots more to his story, but he only chose a few things to share.
- Paper Exercise: Past timeline (10min)
- Create a timeline of the past (any amount of years) for how you got to this point – what is your story? Add all kinds of content, from professional happenings (e.g. started at DataWorks) to tough personal times (COVID…) to exciting personal times (started dating so-and-so)
- Shareback, if in the group (10min)
- Paper Exercise: Now mapping into the future…3 ways
- Create 3 five-year plans
- First plan: the path you’re currently on (10min)
- Give it a 3-6 word title
- Second plan: if money was not a concern, what would this plan be? (10min)
- Give it a 3-6 word title
- Third plan: a mix of the two (10min)
- Give it a 3-6 word title
- Consider: which was your favorite? Which one do you feel excited about?
- Examples of my 5-year future plans – you can include personal things here, too!

Session 1 Homework (1-1.5 hrs total):
- Get feedback on your strengths and career stories (1 hr max):
- Find 2-3 people (these can be people you know personally or at work)
- Ask them what they think are your strengths
- You can email people about this too
- Write down what they shared in your professional journal
- Share your story and career vision and get their feedback
- Reflection (10 mins) Email or Teams message to me by end of day Friday ([email protected]). Prompts you can use:
- What strengths did you identify? When you asked people about your strengths, did anything surprise you?
- What did you learn from creating your timeline? What was easy/difficult?
- Optional: Get inspired (20 mins)
- Search for videos or posts about people’s career journeys
- Share 1 you resource you liked in the Teams channel
- Example: Black Women getting into tech stories
- Check the resources we collected a while ago in the Data Professionals spreadsheet