Lover of programming, maker of monsters
These monsters are enjoying the weekend so far! Looks like they won’t be going anywhere.
A friendly monster to welcome in the weekend! This has happened before.
There is a borderline overwhelming amount of documentation to be written, but gotta start somewhere! Here’s a kinda random first addition to Larva’s Naming Guidelines wiki page.
Here’s a quick write up about a CSS algorithm we just created at PMC! It seems like it will be useful in future projects, and we now have a programmatic term to use to refer to this kind of UI design pattern.
A very cool, test-oriented workflow has emerged with the introduction of Backstop JS into our design system tooling. I recorded some sloppy screencasts to show it off! Watch me struggle and make mistakes and also accomplish things.
I spent a while debugging a font-face issue. Can you spot the problem?
For example, a `color` property should not be in an algorithm that is intended for CSS grid properties. This is a potential Stylelint rule that would report that!
In part 2 of this enthusiastically titled mini series, we will set up some test methods in JavaScript. Next will be the test itself! Maybe I’ll write that tomorrow, maybe not…
I think I figured out a really cool, fun, exciting, and not complicated way to write tests for CSS algorithms! This post introduces the concept of writing unit tests and test driven development.
I thought I encountered a browser bug, but I didn’t. I learned some things, and now you can read this and learn them, too!
A slightly delayed Chronicle, but no less juicy! In preparation for the kick-off of Blueberry, we are figuring out how to actually share and publish modules as the design system (named Larva) becomes a product that stands on its own.
Another slide from my talk, this image represents the end of a short story about how a CSS algorithm saved the day!
These monsters are working on a house of cards, an experience similar to working on a code-base that has not been tended to appropriately over the years! This is a slide from my “Algorithms in CSS” talk.
I am in Amsterdam, visiting many coffee shops (that’s actual coffee shops, not “coffee shops”, mind you). I just had a very incredible muffin and created an award to commemorate it!